Thursday, June 9, 2016

#1 Joe Namath

The Most Arrogant Athletes of All Time 

The most arrogant athlete of all time according to our list is the legendary New York Jets Quarterback Joe "Broadway Joe" Namath. He may not have been a cocky athlete 24/7 like some of the other athletes on our list but the time he chose to be arrogant and what he said make him easily The Most Arrogant Athlete of All Time. His biggest moment came in before Super Bowl III. While the Hall of Fame Quarterback was lounging out by the pool a reporter asked him what he though about the game, to which Broadway Joe answered "We're going to win Sunday. I guarantee it.". This single quote could be one of the most shocking in sports history as his Jets were not favored in the game in anyway sparking shock throughout the nation. Much to everyone's surprise that Sunday Joe Namath and his Jets went out and shocked the nation by beating the Baltimore Colts, a tam some said were the greatest team of all time. That is some arrogance. That is the moment that placed Joe Namath among the legends of arrogance and why hes is number one on our list of The Most Arrogant Athletes of All Time. Thank you for reading our blog.    

#2 Rhonda Rousey

The Most Arrogant Athletes of All Time
The next athlete on our list is our first female and one of the stars of MMA Ronda Rousey  She is one of the pioneers of the up and coming women's UFC, and has ruled the sport of MMA ever since she started back in 2010. Undefeated with 12 wins, Rousey has made uses her training as an  Olympic Judo fighter taking down nine of 12 opponents by arm bar submission. Trash-talking is something that comes easily to Rouse as she makes sure to humiliate opponents before and after fights. No mercy is the name of the game for Rousey, and she's made it very clear that she didn't join UFC to make friends. She uses he arrogance to try and intimadate her opponents in the cage and get in their heads. Some of her most exciting quotes that show her arrogance are"Some people like to call me cocky or arrogant, but I just think, 'How dare you assume I should think less of myself?'""I'm the most dangerous woman in the world," Rousey says. "I've prepared my entire life to be that way. Whichever girl I'm going to fight, I'm sure that I'm going to find a way to win.""You know, I think Bisping does a lot of stuff really well. The biggest problem he's got is that he drew the Ace of Spades.I'm not just another fighter on the roster or a middleweight. I'm the middleweight champion; undefeated and undisputed. I can beat any man God ever made. Michael Bisping does not survive." She has the arrogance that she can beat a trained UFC Champion in Bisping that outweighs her by about 30 pounds , which is ether arrogance or extreme confidence in her abilities in the cage. These are just some of the reasons that show Rousey's arrogance may place her as one of the most arrogant athletes of all time. Coming up next on the list of most arrogant athletes of all time comes from the early days of the NFL.

#3 Richard Sherman

The Most Arrogant Athletes in History

The next player on our list of the the most arrogant athletes in history is the loud Cornerback of the Seattle Seahawks, Richard Sherman. Sherman has been known for his antics on the field for the past few seasons leading to his label of one of the most arrogant athletes to date. He first got this mark after the 2014 NFC Championship against the San Francisco 49er's in which he grabbed the microphone from one of the ESPN sideline reporters and went off on a rant about the 49er's recievers and how bad they were on National television. After this Sherman was labeled a thug by almost everyone despite the fact that he was a graduate of Stanford University and extremely smart, despite this the label stuck. He kept this reputation due to the fact that during games he is a constant trash talker in between snaps to play mind games with his opponents and keep them angry so their game is thrown off and they can't play due to the anger he puts in them. Some quotes that show Sherman's arrogance is real are "U MAD BRO" followed by a picture of tom brady after defeating them. Another is   "I was making sure everyone knew Crabtree was a mediocre receiver. And when you try the best corner in the game with a mediocre receiver, that's what happens. I appreciate that he knows that now." This was a quote of his in his infamous postgame interview in 2014. "What challenge?" this was his answer when asked if a receiver would challange him in an upcoming game. Those are just some things that cement Sherman's place on the most arrogant athletes of all time. Next athlete on our list is the first female to break onto it...

#4 Cam Newton

Most Arrogant Athletes in History

One of the most arrogant athletes in history comes from the present time, Cam Newton the highly public Quarterback of the Carolina Panthers known for his electric play on the field. His arrogance comes from his play on the field, his dancing in the endzone whenever he scores a touchdown or the swagger in which he carries himself. One moment that comes to mind in Cam Newtons arrogance is this season when his Panthers played the San Diego Chargers. Newto scored a touchdown and started on a longer endzone than usual and one Chargers player took special offense to this chargng after Newton in a rage because of the disrespect he showed his team and teammates. Some quotes showing Cam Newton's arrogance are "Winning excuses everything", "I see myself not only as a football player, but an entertainer". These are just some of the reasons why Cam Newto makes an apperance on our list of Most Arrogant Athletes in History. Following Cam Newton is an NFC whose has done battle with him on the field and now our list. 

#5 Muhammad Ali

Most Arrogant Athletes in History
One of the most arrogant athletes in history is Muhammad Ali, Ali trash talked every opponent he ever faced in the ring and then just trash talked them in interviews. Ali later on said that he only did those things for popularity to make his career grow and apologized to anyone he said things to. Yet it still doesn't take away how he blabbered all over the world. Ali said repeatedly that he was the greatest and maybe he was but that's why they called him the Louisville Lip. Ali was the biggest trash talker out of them all but unlike most of the athletes on here he always backed it up which definitely deserves respect for dealing with the likes of people like Floyd Patterson, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, and many others. His arrogance was widely known not just in boxing, he refused military service when he was drafted to go to Vietnam and made it widely known that he wouldn't take any bull from anyone. He deserved some of his arrogance because he was the 2 time Heavyweight Champion of the World which is a title he would have held longer than he did if he hadn't been banned from the sport for a couple years. These are just some of the many reasons why Muhammad Ali is one of the most of arrogant athletes in history. The next athlete on our list is one of the most highly recognized NFL players of the past year. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

#6 LeBron James

                                                       Most Arrogant Athletes in History

One of the most arrogant athletes in history is LeBron James. LeBron James is in the NBA. James is considered one of the most arrogant athletes in history for many reasons. James didn't even play in college he came straight from high school into the NBA and played for Cleveland Cavilers he was so good he was even drafted number 1. When James retires he will go down as one of the greatest of all time. The main reason why James is so arrogant is his great amount of succes he had in his basketball career. James made a lot of achievments some including two championships, made the all-star game 12 times and won two MVP, Won the season MVP 4 times in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013. He also won Rookie of the year when he joined in 2003-2004. There are a lot more achievments LeBron has made those are just a few. There are a lot of arrogant quotes LeBron James has made including after the first game in the finals with LeBron losing to Golden State Warriors in the 2015 season the interviewer asked "Hows your confidence level going into next game" and LeBron  answered by saying "I feel confident because I'm the best player in the world. It's simple". Those are the reasons why LeBron James is one of the most arrogant athletes in history. The next athlete on the list is from the boxing world where he is known as the greatest boxer of all time....

#7 Conor McGregor

                                                Most arrogant athletes in history

Conor McGregor is one of the most arrogant athletes in history. Conor is an Irish professional mixed martial artist who is in the UFC. Conor is arrogant because of the great success he had in his career fighting in the UFC and other MMA circles. Conor shows this arrogance in everything that he does, he drives the most expensive cars, lives in the best condos and parties in the flashiest clubs. His arrogance is shown especially when he appears in pre-fight interviews or in staredowns with other fighters. Before his fights he always talks smack with the other fighter and how he is going to beat them like its nothing to him. In some ways his arrogance is helpful to him such a when the fight actually occurs when he uses it to get in the other fighters head and make them angry so they dont fight as well as they normally would. Another example of the arrogance he displays just happened recently, he refused to do the promos for the recent UFC 200 event because he was too important. This led to him being pulled off of the fight card and almost removed from the UFC itself as a penalty. Some quotes that show his arrogance are "I don't just knock them out, I pick the round", "Get in, get all the belts, all the money, and get out". The next most arrogant athlete in history is from the NBA where he thinks he is "The King"....

Monday, June 6, 2016

#8 Floyd Mayweather

                                                         Most Arrogant athletes in History

One of the most arrogant athletes in history is Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr. Floyd is an American former professional boxer and current boxing promoter. Floyd is considered the best boxer of his era and one of the greatest of all times and is the best welterweight boxer of all time. All of the accomplishments Floyd made is part of his reason to why he is so arrogant. Floyd is undefeated in his professional career. Mayweather won twelve world titles and the lineal championship in four different weight classes. He is the only boxer to hold lineal titles simultaneously in two divisions. Floyd won many awards through his fighting career. Some of these awards include a two time winner of The Ring magazines Fighter of the year in 1998 and 2007, a three time winner of the Boxing Writers Association of America Fighter of the year award 2007,2013, and 2015 and a six time winner of the best ESPY award in 2007,2008,2010,2012,2013 and 2014. Some of Floyd's most arrogant quotes are "Ali was a great fighter, but I'm better (Sugar Ray) Robinson was a great Fighter, but I'm better". Another arrogant quote Floyd had was "You know me. Im running my mouth a lot, and I'm looking for a guy to shut me up. If you don't shut me up, Im going to keep running my mouth. Nobody can beat me. There is no way to beat me." Those are just two arrogant quotes that Floyd Mayweather had but there is plenty of more. Those reasons are why Floyd is one of the most arrogant athletes in history. The next athlete on the list comes out of the MMA world where he is "Notorious".