Wednesday, June 8, 2016

#6 LeBron James

                                                       Most Arrogant Athletes in History

One of the most arrogant athletes in history is LeBron James. LeBron James is in the NBA. James is considered one of the most arrogant athletes in history for many reasons. James didn't even play in college he came straight from high school into the NBA and played for Cleveland Cavilers he was so good he was even drafted number 1. When James retires he will go down as one of the greatest of all time. The main reason why James is so arrogant is his great amount of succes he had in his basketball career. James made a lot of achievments some including two championships, made the all-star game 12 times and won two MVP, Won the season MVP 4 times in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013. He also won Rookie of the year when he joined in 2003-2004. There are a lot more achievments LeBron has made those are just a few. There are a lot of arrogant quotes LeBron James has made including after the first game in the finals with LeBron losing to Golden State Warriors in the 2015 season the interviewer asked "Hows your confidence level going into next game" and LeBron  answered by saying "I feel confident because I'm the best player in the world. It's simple". Those are the reasons why LeBron James is one of the most arrogant athletes in history. The next athlete on the list is from the boxing world where he is known as the greatest boxer of all time....

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