Thursday, June 9, 2016

#2 Rhonda Rousey

The Most Arrogant Athletes of All Time
The next athlete on our list is our first female and one of the stars of MMA Ronda Rousey  She is one of the pioneers of the up and coming women's UFC, and has ruled the sport of MMA ever since she started back in 2010. Undefeated with 12 wins, Rousey has made uses her training as an  Olympic Judo fighter taking down nine of 12 opponents by arm bar submission. Trash-talking is something that comes easily to Rouse as she makes sure to humiliate opponents before and after fights. No mercy is the name of the game for Rousey, and she's made it very clear that she didn't join UFC to make friends. She uses he arrogance to try and intimadate her opponents in the cage and get in their heads. Some of her most exciting quotes that show her arrogance are"Some people like to call me cocky or arrogant, but I just think, 'How dare you assume I should think less of myself?'""I'm the most dangerous woman in the world," Rousey says. "I've prepared my entire life to be that way. Whichever girl I'm going to fight, I'm sure that I'm going to find a way to win.""You know, I think Bisping does a lot of stuff really well. The biggest problem he's got is that he drew the Ace of Spades.I'm not just another fighter on the roster or a middleweight. I'm the middleweight champion; undefeated and undisputed. I can beat any man God ever made. Michael Bisping does not survive." She has the arrogance that she can beat a trained UFC Champion in Bisping that outweighs her by about 30 pounds , which is ether arrogance or extreme confidence in her abilities in the cage. These are just some of the reasons that show Rousey's arrogance may place her as one of the most arrogant athletes of all time. Coming up next on the list of most arrogant athletes of all time comes from the early days of the NFL.

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