Thursday, June 9, 2016

#5 Muhammad Ali

Most Arrogant Athletes in History
One of the most arrogant athletes in history is Muhammad Ali, Ali trash talked every opponent he ever faced in the ring and then just trash talked them in interviews. Ali later on said that he only did those things for popularity to make his career grow and apologized to anyone he said things to. Yet it still doesn't take away how he blabbered all over the world. Ali said repeatedly that he was the greatest and maybe he was but that's why they called him the Louisville Lip. Ali was the biggest trash talker out of them all but unlike most of the athletes on here he always backed it up which definitely deserves respect for dealing with the likes of people like Floyd Patterson, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, and many others. His arrogance was widely known not just in boxing, he refused military service when he was drafted to go to Vietnam and made it widely known that he wouldn't take any bull from anyone. He deserved some of his arrogance because he was the 2 time Heavyweight Champion of the World which is a title he would have held longer than he did if he hadn't been banned from the sport for a couple years. These are just some of the many reasons why Muhammad Ali is one of the most of arrogant athletes in history. The next athlete on our list is one of the most highly recognized NFL players of the past year. 

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